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All methods in API have corresponding endpoints in http service library (play or http4s).

How do I fix a user to a certain group so that I can test the treatment

You can use the override feature to add overrides which are pairs of user Id and group name. API for adding overides

How to get the test ID

A/B tests are organized around “feature”s, you can run multiple A/B tests for the same feature, they just can’t be scheduled to have any overlap with each other. For each test, there is a test Id which is generated when you created it. If you need the test Id for a specific test, you can use this method which, and will respond with a list of all tests against this feature. In the list you can find more details of the tests including the test Id.

How to terminate/delete an A/B test

You would need the testId to use this method. If a test already started, the test will be expired immediately. If the test is schedule to run in the future, it will be removed from the database.

How to manage user eligibility

When you query abtest assignment, you can pass in the field meta a JSON object as meta information for that user. This JSON object is expected to be flat with string values only. In A/B tests you can set a user meta criteria in field userMetaCriteria, this user meta criteria is Json object is similiar to MongoDB’s json query. Other than exact match it supports $regex, $in, $versionStart, $versionRange, as well as combinators $and and $or
The following example lists most of the criteria.

       "sex" : "female",                   //matches users whose "sex" field is exactly "female"
       "description" : {                  
          "%regex" : "[shinny|fancy]"      //matches users whose "description" field matches a regex "[shinny|fancy]"
       "device" : {
         "%in": ["iphone","ipad"]          //matches users whose "device" is one of the two strings "iphone" and "ipad"
       "%or": {                            //matches users whose "city" is "LA" or "state" is "NY"
         "city": "LA",
         "state": "NY"
       "age" : {
          "%gt" : 32                       //matches age older than 32, other compartor includes %ge, %lt and %le

       "clientVer": {
         "%versionStart" : "1.0.0"         //special filter for version strings. Matches users whose "clientVer" is later than "1.0.0"

       "androidVer": {
         "%versionRange" : ["2.0", "3.1"] //special filter for version strings. Matches users whose "androidVer" is between than "2.0" and "3.1"

The combinator %or here is written as an object, which is convenient but also means field names cannot be duplicated. In case where you need to have multiple criteria on the same field within an %or, you also use an array of objects. For example:

   "%or": [                            
       { "city": "LA" },
       { "city": "NY" }

You can manage this user criteria using the CLI which can be found and downloaded here.

Then to show the current User meta criteria for a feature run

./thomas-cli_XXX.jar userMetaCriteria show -f MY_FEATUR_ENAME --host YOUR_HOST --rootPath YOUR_ROOT_PATH 

To update it you can write your criteria json in a file and use the following command to update

 ./thomas-cli_XXX.jar userMetaCriteria update --criteriaFile crit.json --new -f MY_FEATUR_ENAME --host YOUR_HOST --rootPath YOUR_ROOT_PATH 

How to manage group meta

Optionally when you get a group assignment, the service can return the associated group metadata you set the group. The best way to manage group meta is to use the thomas CLI which can be found and downloaded here.

Download that thomas-cli_XXX.jar and give it the execution permission.

chmod +x thomas-cli_XXX.jar

Then to show the current group meta for a feature run

./thomas-cli_XXX.jar groupMeta show -f MY_FEATUR_ENAME --host YOUR_HOST --rootPath YOUR_ROOT_PATH

To edit/add a group meta

./thomas-cli_XXX.jar groupMeta  add --meta '{ "A" : {"newFeature":  2 }, "B" : { "newFeature":  1 }}' -f MY_FEATUR_ENAME  --host YOUR_HOST --rootPath YOUR_ROOT_PATH

if the test already started, you will get an error message

The latest test is already started, if you want to automatically create a new revision, please run the command again with “–new” flag

As the message suggest, if you want to create a new revision of the test that starts immediately, run the same command again but add a --new flag.

./thomas-cli_XXX.jar groupMeta  add --new --meta '{ "A" : {"newFeature":  2 }, "B" : { "newFeature":  1 }}' -f MY_FEATUR_ENAME  --host YOUR_HOST --rootPath YOUR_ROOT_PATH

How to do a feature roll out

You can use A/B test service to gradually roll out feature by incrementing the experiment group size in a series of tests. You start the first test without an end date, this will make the test run indefinitely. To gradually increase of experiment group size, use the continue method to create subsequent tests (all without end date), with larger and larger experiment group sizes, until you reach 100%.

How to run distributed group assignments

Thomas provides a thomas-client that can pull down experiments metadata and calculate user assignments in parallel on local CPUs. It provides a Java API class so that it can be easily used in Java application or pyspark. To run it in pyspark,

pyspark --packages com.iheart:thomas-client_2.11:LATEST_VERSION

Check here for the latest version to use in place of LATEST_VERSION

Then in pyspark you can run

client ="http://myhost/testsWithFeatures", )
client.assignments("813579", ["Feature_forYouBanner"], {"deviceId": "ax3263sdx11"})  

The first line creates the client, using com.iheart.thomas.client.JavaAssignment.create, you need to pass in a url string pointing to the endpoint corresponding to this API method (on play, if you follow the xample, it will be “yourHost/testsWithFeatures”, on http4s it will be “yourHost/tests/cache”). You can also pass in a second optional argument - a timestamp for the as-of time for your assignments. For example, if you want to return assignments as of tomorrow 12:00PM, you need to get the epoch second time stamp of that time and pass in. You should reuse this client in your session, during the creation it makes an http call to the thomas A/B test http service and download all the relevant tests and overrides. So please avoid recreating it unnecessarily.

client.assignments(userId, [tags], {user_meta}) returns a Map (or hashmap if you are in python) of assignments. The keys of this Map will be feature names, and the values are the group names, the second and third arguments [tags] and {user_meta} are optional, ignore them if your tests don’t requirement them.

This solution works fine for pyspark with small amount of data. For large dataset, Pyspark introp with JVM is not efficient.

Thomas also provides a tighter spark integration module thomas-spark, which provides an UDF and a function that works directly with DataFrame. The assignment computation is distributed through UDF

Here is an example on how to use this in pyspark: Start spark with the package

pyspark --packages com.iheart:thomas-spark_2.11:LATEST_VERSION

Inside pyspark shell, first create the instance of an A/B test Assigner

ta ="https://MY_ABTEST_SERVICE_HOST/abtest/testsWithFeatures")

Then you can use it add a column to an existing DataFrame

from pyspark.mllib.common import _py2java
from pyspark.mllib.common import _java2py

mockUserIds = spark.createDataFrame([("232",), ("3609",), ("3423",)], ["uid"])

result = _java2py(sc, ta.assignments(_py2java(sc, mockUserIds), "My_Test_Feature", "uid"))

Note that some python to java conversion is needed since thomas-spark is written in Scala.

The Assigner also provides a Spark UDF assignUdf. You can call it with a feature name to get an UDF that returns the assignment for that abtest feature.

spark._jsparkSession.udf().register("assign", ta.assignUdf("My_TEST_FEATURES"))

sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(mockUserIds, "userIds")

result = sql("select uid, assign(uid) as assignment from userIds")

Or instead of registering the udf, you can use it through a python function

from pyspark.sql.column import Column
from pyspark.sql.column import _to_java_column
from pyspark.sql.column import _to_seq
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

def assign(col):
    _javaAssign = ta.assignUdf("My_TEST_FEATURES")
    return Column(_javaAssign.apply(_to_seq(sc, [col], _to_java_column)))

mockUserIds.withColumn('assignment', assign(col('uid'))).show()

In scala, it’s more straightforward.

import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col

val mockUserIds = (1 to 10000).map(_.toString).toDF("userId")

val assigner = com.iheart.thomas.spark.Assigner.create("https://MY_ABTEST_SERVICE_HOST/abtest/testsWithFeatures")

mockUserIds.withColumn("assignment", assigner.assignUdf("My_TEST_FEATURES")(col("userId")))

assigner.assignUdf assigns based on the test data it retrieves when it’s created from Assigner.create. If you have a long running job, e.g. in Spark stream, you might want a udf that keeps test data updated, so that over a longer period of time it keeps assigning based on latest test data from server. In that case, you can use the com.iheart.thomas.AutoRefreshAssigner

import concurrent.duration._

val assigner = com.iheart.thomas.spark.AutoRefreshAssigner(
  url = "https://MY_ABTEST_SERVICE_HOST/abtest/testsWithFeatures", 
  refreshPeriod = 10.minutes 

mockUserIds.withColumn("assignment", assigner.assignUdf("My_TEST_FEATURES")(col("userId")))

The refreshPeriod dictates how often the test data is retrieved from the A/B test service per spark partition.

How to run Bayesian Analysis

Since Thomas does not come with an analytics solution, to analyze the A/B test results using Thomas’s Bayesian utility, you need to write integration with your analytics solution. Please refer to the dedicated page for detailed guide on this one.