



package analysis

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. analysis
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AssessmentAlg[F[_], K] extends AnyRef
  2. case class BenchmarkResult(rawSample: Samples[Diff], benchmarkArm: ArmName) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class BetaKPIModel(name: KPIName, alphaPrior: Double, betaPrior: Double) extends KPIModel with Product with Serializable
  4. case class BetaModel(alphaPrior: Double, betaPrior: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  5. type ConversionEvent = Boolean
  6. case class ConversionKPI(name: KPIName, author: String, description: Option[String], model: BetaModel, messageQuery: Option[ConversionMessageQuery]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. trait ConversionKPIAlg[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  8. case class ConversionMessageQuery(initMessage: MessageQuery, convertedMessage: MessageQuery) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class Conversions(converted: Long, total: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  10. case class Criteria(fieldName: FieldName, matchingRegex: FieldRegex) extends Product with Serializable
  11. type Diff = Double
  12. sealed trait DistributionSpec[T] extends Serializable with Product
  13. case class Evaluation(name: ArmName, probabilityBeingOptimal: Probability, resultAgainstBenchmark: Option[BenchmarkResult]) extends Product with Serializable
  14. type Indicator = Variable[Real]
  15. type KPIDouble = Type
  16. trait KPIEvaluator[F[_], Model, Measurement] extends AnyRef
  17. sealed trait KPIModel extends Serializable with Product
  18. trait KPIModelApi[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  19. type KPIName = Type
  20. trait KPISyntax extends AnyRef
  21. case class LogNormalKPIModel(name: KPIName, locationPrior: Normal, scaleLnPrior: Uniform) extends KPIModel with Product with Serializable

  22. trait Measurable[F[_], M, K] extends AnyRef
  23. type Measurements = List[Double]
  24. case class MessageQuery(description: Option[String], criteria: List[Criteria]) extends Product with Serializable
  25. type Probability = Type
  26. type Samples[A] = List[A]
  27. trait UpdatableKPI[F[_], K] extends AnyRef
  28. case class Variable[A](v: A, model: Option[Model]) extends Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
